Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Falling In & Out of Love With the 3

My 16.1% 3pt Percentage is really bugging me, and I'm conflicted between shooting more 3's in order to get the percentage back up and not shooting any 3's because they obviously aren't falling for me. What makes it difficult for me to stop shooting them is my knowing that I am the the most efficient 3pt shooter in league history! Yet I've been in decline ever since BBA3, and I'm not sure why. I think it's all in my head. I think about it too much when I shoot. And yet, I don't to turn into Roger and shoot 3's mindlessly (Stop shooting so many 3's Roger, you would do way better driving to the hoop and shooting some mid-range!).

It seems like I always have slow starts, as Huyen mentioned in the News. Whether it be to the season, like BBA4 and 5, or to the first few games of the day, I don't think I press the issue enough in the beginning. I am going to have to dominate from the beginning.

People, when I drive to the basket, please move towards the basket, so that I can dump it off to you for the easy layup or else you'll be in good position to get the rebound. I've told this to Davis so many times, because he is a main offender. Whenever someone drives, Davis always stands on the baseline out on the perimeter. And so they dish out to him there, for a very low percentage, tough shot. It happened this Sunday, when I was on the sidelines watching. Someone drove (Rog, Alc, or Hyn), drawing his own man and Davis' man, leaving the right side of the court wide open for Davis. Instead of moving in towards the basket for the feed down low, Davis stayed out out on the perimeter, where he caught the pass just inside the 3 pt line and shot and missed, a difficult shot for anyone, especially when he could have instead ran in to the empty space under the hoop and gotten the pass for an easy layup.  Move in towards the basket when someone drives, because driving always draws the attention of your defender away from you, leaving you open for an easy close shot.  Don't settle for a hard perimeter shot.


  1. The Trey is my cruel bitch lover. Oh how you make me feel so good, yet you treat me oh so bad...

  2. shoot more 3s! lower that percentage even more!

  3. I think you just have to admit that your game is on the decline, my friend. It is time for a new crop of players (who have continued to get better each season) to take over the reigns. The game has passed you by :/
